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Reaching Home Indigenous NL

Call for Proposals 2024

IMPORTANT: Deadline for applications is 4:00 pm (Labrador time) on February 13, 2024

PLEASE NOTE: $1,394,391 million in funding has been awarded to the Labrador Friendship Centre to allocate through the Reaching Home Indigenous NL project over a 1-year period.

This CFP extends from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. As per Reaching Home directives, all projects must be completed, and funds spent, by March 31, 2025, with possibility of extension.

Reaching Home is a national initiative which aims to prevent and reduce homelessness across Canada. Reaching Home Indigenous NL is the funding stream serving Indigenous people who live off-reserve in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador.

Definition of Indigenous Homelessness

For the purposes of Reaching Home, and subject to revision based on ongoing engagement and consultation with Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous homelessness refers to:

Indigenous Peoples who are in the state of having no home due to colonization, trauma and/or whose social, cultural, economic, and political conditions place them in poverty. Having no home includes: those who alternate between shelter and unsheltered, living on the street, couch surfing, using emergency shelters, living in unaffordable, inadequate, substandard and unsafe accommodations or living without the security of tenure; anyone regardless of age, released from facilities (such as hospitals, mental health and addiction treatment centers, prisons, transition houses), fleeing unsafe homes as a result of abuse in all its definitions, and any youth transitioning from all forms of care.

(Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee, 2019, as reported to the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and included in the Reaching Home Directives).


About Reaching Home Indigenous NL

  • Federally funded and administered through the Labrador Friendship Centre.
  • Provincial in scope.
  • Serving off-reserve Indigenous people, regardless of their status or origin, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • The Regional Advisory Board (RAB) now issuing a Call for Proposals with $1,394,391.85 available over a 1 year period for capital projects and/or services to reduce homelessness for Indigenous people to be expended by March 31, 2025.


The funding priorities are as follows:

  1. Capital Investment Projects- Indigenous Homeless Funding Stream Only.
  2. Housing Services.
  3. Prevention & Shelter Diversion.
  4. Client Support.


Eligible Applicants

Eligible recipients for Indigenous Homelessness funding include:

  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • For-profit organizations (may be eligible provided that the nature and intent of the activity is non-commercial; not intended to generate profit; based on fair market value; in support of program priorities and objectives; and in line with the community plan (or with identified local need where community plans are not required);
  • Indigenous organizations (Indigenous organizations may include, but are not limited to, incorporated for-profit and not-for-profit Indigenous controlled organizations, Indigenous controlled unincorporated associations, Indian Act Bands, Tribal Councils and Indigenous self-government entities); and,
  • Municipalities.
Please note: Where feasible, preference will be given to Indigenous organizations to deliver projects specifically targeting off-reserve Indigenous people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.

Mealy Mountains, Labrador. Photo courtesy Destination Labrador.
Mealy Mountains, Labrador. Photo courtesy Destination Labrador.

How to Apply

1. Prepare your application package, which will include:

  • An application form (download below);
  • Letters of support from the community, if any;
  • Budget negotiation notes (download below);
  • Sustainabilty checklist (download below)

2. Return your documents by email to the Housing Manager (contact information below).


Documents for Download

Please review the Application Guide for help in preparing your application package.


Community Sessions

Virtual Zoom Session
January 23, 2024 from 9-11am (Labrador time)
Contact Heather Mehmet to register


Contact the Project Officer

All inquiries and application submissions are to be directed to Heather Mehmet, Project Officer at the Labrador Friendship Centre.

Heather Mehmet
Tel. 709-896-8302, ext. 215

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Reaching Home Indigenous NL