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Reaching Home Indigenous NL

In Memory of Clifford Young

Posted 14 April 2021, 12:14 pm ADT

Clifford Young
Clifford Young (larger version)

RHINL is saddened by the recent death of Clifford Young, a valued advisor to our project and a member of the Flat Bay community. Please join our Regional Advisory Board in acknowledging his life and his generous spirit. Clifford offered his story to our Reaching Home Indigenous NL Regional Advisory Board; it was his way to help others who might suffer as he had.

In his words, "Home is where you feel safe, secure and not threatened. Where you don't feel you have to get out. Electricity and water to have a shower is a luxury. Also, you have to battle the elements, just to survive, the rain, snow, wind. Especially if you're alone, and you're shunned by society, you're gay, and you have mental health issues."

We offer our condolences to the community of Flat Bay whose CEO, Liz LaSaga, has updated us with memorial plans:

"As we struggle in sadness of the passing of Clifford, we wish to honor the dream that we shared with him, which as you all know, was the duplex.

"The duplex concept and design was developed between myself and Clifford. The duplex will continue to be built as planned, and in the coming months, a memorial plaque will be installed, naming the duplex after Clifford.

"When we are ready to install the plaque, we will announce a community ceremony whereby some of his ashes will be laid to rest."

Clifford was so thankful to Liz and her husband and the Flat Bay people for providing his home.

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